1. Zhe Wang, Menglong Cao, Haobo Tang, Yulong Ji, Fenghui Han. A global heat flow topology for recovering the synergistic effects of heat transfer and thermal power conversion in large scale systems: Methodology and case study, Energy, 2024, 290, 130203.(中科院1区TOP)
2. Zhe Wang, Bo Dong, Mingyu Li, Yulong Ji, Fenghui Han. Configuration of low-carbon fuels green marine power systems in diverse ship types and applications, Energy Conversion and Management 2024, 302: 118139. (中科院1区TOP)
3. Fan Zhao, Zhe Wang*(唯一通讯), Bo Dong, Mingyu Li, Yulong Ji, Fenghui Han, Comprehensive life cycle cost analysis of ammonia-based hydrogen transportation scenarios for offshore wind energy utilization, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023,429: 139616.(中科院1区TOP)
4. Rui Xia, Zhe Wang*(共同通讯), Menglong Cao, Yuemao Jiang, Bohao Tang, Yulong Ji, Fenghui Han. Comprehensive performance analysis of cold storage Rankine Carnot batteries: Energy, exergy, economic, and environmental perspectives, Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, 293: 117485.(中科院1区TOP)
5. Yuemao Jiang, Yue Ma, Fenghui Han, Yulong Ji, Wenjian Cai, Zhe Wang*(唯一通讯). Assessment and optimization of a novel waste heat stepped utilization system integrating partial heating sCO2 cycle and ejector refrigeration cycle using zeotropic mixtures for gas turbine, Energy, 2023, 265: 126362.(中科院1区TOP)
6. Zhe Wang, Yue Ma, Menglong Cao, Yuemao Jiang, Fenghui Han. Energy, exergy, exergoeconomic, environmental (4E) evaluation and multi-objective optimization of a novel SOFC-ICE-SCO2-HRSG hybrid system for power and heat generation, Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, 291(1): 117332.(中科院1区TOP)
7. Zhe Wang, Yuemao Jiang, Yue Ma, Fenghui Han, Yulong Ji, Wenjian Cai. A partial heating supercritical CO2 nested transcritical CO2 cascade power cycle for marine engine waste heat recovery: Thermodynamic, economic, and footprint analysis, Energy, 2022, 261: 125269. (中科院1区TOP)
8. Fenghui Han, Yuxiang Liu, Muk Chen Ong, Guang Yin, Wenhua Li, Zhe Wang*(唯一通讯). CFD investigation of blind-tee effects on flow mixing mechanism in subsea pipelines. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2022, 16(1): 1395-1419.(中科院1区TOP)
9. Menglong Cao, Zhe Wang*(唯一通讯), Haobo Tang, Fenghui Han, Yulong Ji, Wenhua Li. Heat Flow Topology-Driven Thermo-Mass Decoupling Strategy: Cross-scaleRegularization Modeling and Optimization Analysis, Applied Energy, 2024.(中科院1区TOP)
10. Yue Ma, Zhe Wang*(唯一通讯), Han Liu, Fenghui Han, Yulong Ji, Wenhua Li. Efcient and Sustainable Power Propulsion for All-Electric Ships: An IntegratedMethanol-fueled SOFC-sCO2 System, Renewable Energy, 2024.(中科院1区TOP)
11. Fenghui Han, Zhe Wang*(唯一通讯), Yulong Ji, Wenhua Li, Bengt Sundén. Energy analysis and multi-objective optimization of waste heat and cold energy recovery process in LNG-fueled vessels based on a triple organic Rankine cycle, Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 195: 561-572.(中科院1区TOP)
12. Zhe Wang, Wenjian Cai, Fenghui Han, Yulong Ji, Wenhua Li, Bengt Sundén. Feasibility study on a novel heat exchanger network for cryogenic liquid regasification with cooling capacity recovery: Theoretical and experimental assessments. Energy, 2019, 181: 771-781.(中科院1区TOP)
13. Zhe Wang, Wenjian Cai, Wei Hong, Suping Shen, Huizhu Yang, Fenghui Han. Multi-objective optimization design and performance evaluation of a novel multi-stream intermediate fluid vaporizer with cold energy recovery. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 195: 32-42.(中科院1区TOP)
14. Zhe Wang, Yanzhong Li. A combined method for surface selection and layer pattern optimization of a multistream plate-fin heat exchanger. Applied Energy, 2016, 165: 815-827.(中科院1区TOP)
15. Zhe Wang, Yanzhong Li. Layer pattern thermal design and optimization for multistream plate-fin heat exchangers—A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 53: 500-514.(中科院1区TOP)
16. Zhe Wang, Yanzhong Li. Irreversibility analysis for optimization design of plate fin heat exchangers using a multi-objective cuckoo search algorithm. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 101: 126-135.(中科院1区TOP)
17. Zhe Wang, Fan Zhao, Bo Dong, Dongxing Wang, Yulong Ji, Fenghui Han. Life cycle framework construction and quantitative assessment for the hydrogen fuelled ships: A case study. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 281: 114740.(中科院1区)
18. Qingyuan Lan Fenghui Han, Yuxiang Liu, Wenhua Li, Zhe Wang*(共同通讯). Effects of ventilation system design on flame behavior and smoke characteristics for mitigating marine engine room fire hazards. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 281: 114890.(中科院1区)
19. Zhe Wang, Qingyuan Lan, Dinghai Zhang, Mingyu Li, Daan Cui, Fenghui Han, Optimizing ammonia-fueled planar SOFCs for low-temperature operation: Multiphysics simulation and performance sensitivity analysis, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 242, 122442.(中科院2区TOP)
20. Zhe Wang, Rui Xia, Yuemao Jiang, Menglong Cao, Yulong Ji, Fenghui Han. Evaluation and optimization of an engine waste heat assisted Carnot battery system for ocean-going vessels during harbor stays, Journal of Energy Storage, 2023, 73A: 108866.(中科院2区TOP)
21. Zhe Wang*, Menglong Cao, Fenghui Han, Yulong Ji, Wenhua Li. Marine temperature and humidity regulation combined system: performanceanalysis and multi-objective optimization, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2024.(中科院2区TOP)
22. Fenghui Han, Zhe Wang*(唯一通讯), Yuemao Jiang, Yulong Ji, Wenhua Li. Energy assessment and external circulation design for LNG cold energy air separation process under four different pressure matching schemes, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021, 27: 101251.(中科院2区TOP)
23. Zhe Wang, Yuemao Jiang, Fenghui Han, Shui Yu, Wenhua Li, Yulong Ji, Wenjian Cai. A thermodynamic configuration method of combined supercritical CO2 power system for marine engine waste heat recovery based on recuperative effects, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 200: 117645.(中科院2区TOP)
24. Zhe Wang, Fenghui Han, Yulong Ji, Wenhua Li. Analysis on feasibility of a novel cryogenic heat exchange network with liquid nitrogen regeneration process for onboard liquefied natural gas reliquefaction, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2020, 22: 100760.(中科院2区TOP)
25. Zhe Wang, Sundén Bengt, Yanzhong Li. A novel optimization framework for designing multi-stream compact heat exchangers and associated network. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 116: 110-125.(中科院2区TOP)
26. Zhe Wang, Yanzhong Li, Min Zhao. Experimental investigation on the thermal performance of multi-stream plate-fin heat exchanger based on genetic algorithm layer pattern design. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 82: 510-520.(中科院2区TOP)
27. Zhe Wang, Bo Dong, Jinjun Yin, Yulong Ji, Fenghui Han. Towards a marine green power system architecture: Integrating hydrogen and ammonia as zero-carbon fuels for sustainable shipping, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 50B: 1069-1087.(中科院2区)
28. Zhe Wang, Mingyu Li, Dong Bo, Yulong Ji, Fenghui Han. Towards a marine green power system architecture: Integrating hydrogen and ammonia as zero-carbon fuels for sustainable shipping, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024.(中科院2区)
29. Yanchen Lai, Zhe Wang*(共同通讯), Daan Cui, Fenghui Han, Yulong Ji, Wenjian Cai. Thermal impact performance study for the thermal management of ammonia-fueled single tubular solid oxide fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, 48(6): 2351-2367.(中科院2区)
30. 赖彦辰, 王哲*(唯一通讯), 崔大安, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙. 氨燃料管状SOFCs中热冲击影响与性能的模拟研究. 中国电机工程学报, 2024, 44(1): 191-202.(Ei检索)
31. 王哲, 唐浩博, 张丁海, 崔大安, 韩凤翚. 氨燃料固体氧化物燃料电池低温化性能分析.中国电机工程学报, 2024, 231420.(Ei检索)
32. 马悦, 王哲*(唯一通讯), 曹梦龙, 纪玉龙. 固体氧化物燃料电池和分部加热式S-CO2循环联合发电系统设计与分析, 中国电机工程学报, 2023, 231116.(Ei检索)
33. 夏睿, 王哲*(唯一通讯), 董博, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙, 蔡文剑. FLNG船舶能量管理系统设计与性能优化, 中国电机工程学报, 2023, 223349.(Ei检索)
34. 王群, 姜悦茂, 王哲*(唯一通讯), 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙, 蔡文剑. 船载GT-sCO2双布雷顿联合循环㶲经济分析与多目标优化, 西安交通大学学报, 2023, 57(1): 87-99.(Ei检索)
35. 姜悦茂, 王哲*(唯一通讯), 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙. 主机废气余热驱动的分部加热式S-CO2动力循环设计与性能优化, 工程热物理学报, 2022, 43(9): 2347-2356.(Ei检索)
36. 王哲, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙, 李文华, 厉彦忠. 低温多股流板翅式换热器设计优化方法研究进展. 化工进展, 2020, 40(2): 621-634.(Ei检索)
37. 王哲, 吕欣荣, 徐敏义. “求知—讲授—评价—科创”教改实践探讨——以轮机工程专业热工基础课程为例. 教育教学论坛, 2023, 610(07): 93-96.
38. 王哲, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙. 科研团队建设与“互联网+”相结合的新工科人才培养研究. 中国多媒体与网络教学学报(上旬刊), 2023(02): 138-141.
39. 王哲, 韩凤翚, 李文华. 新工科背景下轮机工程专业基础课程教学改革探讨.教育教学论坛,2022, 562(11): 89-92.
40. 王哲, 韩凤翚, 李文华. 疫情常态化下新工科专业课程教学模式革新探讨. 当代教育实践与教学研究, 2021(22): 114-115.
1. 王哲, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙, 李文华. 一种基于氨能源船舶的冷热电三联供复合系统及供电方法, 2023-8-15, 中国, ZL202010139304.1.
2. 王哲, 马悦, 姜悦茂, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙. 一种固体氧化物燃料电池与CO2超-跨临界动力循环的联合发电系统, 2023-9-8, 中国, ZL202211295982.2.
3. 王哲, 夏睿, 于水, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙. 一种用于低温液货产品生产储存及碳捕获的能量管理系统, 2023-11-17, 中国, ZL202211305707.4.
4. 王哲, 王东兴, 赵帆, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙. 一种氢能高速公路加氢站选址规划方法, 2024-1-19, 中国, ZL202211295950.2.
5. 王哲, 陈怀强, 纪玉龙, 韩凤翚. 一种带有SOFC的双燃料船舶主机余热利用和LNG冷能回收系统, 2022-2-22, 中国, ZL202121263134.4.
6. 王哲, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙, 李文华. 一种液氢-燃油双燃料船氢存储再液化耦合燃油废气低温捕集系统, 2021-6-7, 中国, ZL202110633509.X.
7. 王哲, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙. 一种余热回收耦合太阳能水氢循环的船舶动力系统, 2021-3-26, 中国, ZL202021062238.4.
8. 王哲, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙. 一种基于多能互补的海岛水氢动力循环能源复合供应系统, 2021-3-26, 中国, ZL202021070648.3.
9. 王哲, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙, 李文华. 一种基于液氨载氢-制氢的能量储存及转换系统, 2020-10-27, 中国, ZL202020244337.8.
10. 王哲, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙, 李文华. 一种撬装式移动现场制氢一体机, 2020-11-24, 中国, ZL202020248676.3.
11. 王哲, 唐浩博, 曹梦龙, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙. 一种大型浮式储存和再气化装置冷能回收和再气化过程的全局热流拓扑建模与优化方法, 2023-12-01, 中国, ZL2023116421014.
12. 王哲, 曹梦龙, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙. 一种热-湿解耦的规整化建模方法, 2024-02-02, 中国, ZL2024101513431.
13. 王哲, 刘涵, 韩凤翚, 纪玉龙. 一种面向海洋平台的制储氢与海水淡化的系统与方法, 2023-12-01, 中国, ZL 2023116421048.
工程热物理学报、电机工程学报、西安交通大学学报、Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,Applied Energy,Energy, Energy Conversion and Management,Applied Thermal Engineering,International Journal of Refrigeration,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,Ocean Engineering等期刊杰出审稿人,教育部硕士论文评审等。