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新西兰奥克兰大学汤丽华教授学术讲座——From Trouble to Treasure - Taming Vibrations for Sustainable Power Source

讲座人:汤丽华(Dr. Lihua Tang)(新西兰奥克兰大学)

讲座题目:From Trouble to Treasure - Taming Vibrations for Sustainable Power Source




Lihua Tang is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Auckland. His main research interests include smart materials and adaptive structures, energy harvesting, vibration & noise control, nonlinear dynamics, mechanical/acoustic metamaterials, acoustic power transfer, and thermoacoustics. He has authored and co-authored more than 260 technical papers in influential international journals and conferences, which have been cited over 11,000 times (google scholar, as of December 2024) with an H-index of 59. He received a number of prestigious paper awards, including 2024 ASME Ephrahim Garcia Best Paper Award, 2024 & 2023 ASME Best Paper Awards in Energy Harvesting, 2019 ASME Best Paper Award in Mechanics and Material Systems, 2019 ASME Best Paper Award in Structural Dynamics and Control. He is the recipient of New Zealand Chinese Scientists Association Young Scientist Award and the prestigious Marsden fund from the Royal Society of New Zealand. He is currently the Associate Editor of Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures


Vibrations usually cause troubles and are aimed to be suppressed. However, the fast advancing low-power wireless sensors in internet of things applications bring the opportunities of utilizing vibrations as sustainable power sources. In this talk, I will briefly overview some recent efforts of my group in harvesting energy from low-frequency and broadband vibration sources by toy-inspired designs of harvesters, nonlinear mechanisms and self-adaptive tuning strategies. In addition, small-scale wind energy can also be harvested by leveraging the aerodynamic instability induced vibrations, which, however works typically for a specific wind direction. In this talk, I will also overview some recent progress in developing multi-directional and multi-modal wind energy harvesters through a novel beam structural design.

发布时间:2024-12-30 08:14:24